CIS confirmed - Stuggling

Hello people,
I’ve been diagnosed with CIS and have been finding it difficult with pains, cramping and my body feeling like it just needs shaking! I am waiting to hear from my MS specialist to see if he wants to see me or whatever.

I’m constantly tired, headache for 2 weeks+,leg pain, leg feels weird can’t even describe it (possibly like a numbness, cramping?), I keep getting a squeezing cramping pain all over body at different points.

I feel my closest ones just don’t believe it? I wanna cry because it’s so draining!

Urgh… But would be lovely to talk with others who are newly diagnosed or awaiting diagnosises or anything really!:woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:

Hi . I haven’t been diagnosed with MS yet / hoping not at all, but I struggle to tell my family about my symptoms and anxieties nor do they ask !

I feel that 100%, some of my family are like well I can’t see it so it isn’t happening… Problem with an invisible illness. Always here if you wanna talk about anything. Gotta stay together.

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