Hello, I am looking for some much needed advice please. I am not sure if I am just making a mountain out of a molehill. In 2009 whilst on holiday in the Uk I lost the sight in both my eyes and diagnosed with Optic Neuritis. I spent the whole holiday in hospital being pumped by steroids. Thankfully I regained my sight but the consultant said it was not “nil that i had MS”. I transfered to a hospital nearer home and was told it was a severe viral infection and not MS. Roll on 15 years and no other significant symptpms other than feeling tired all the time, getting shingles due to stress and tingling in my shoulder along with having issues with IBS. I am at an age that other things are happening like brain fog and im putting it down to that. I did mention it to my dr last week but was told that it definitely would not be MS. I am due to get bloods taken for the usual things, which have always come back negative. I just have this nagging feeling that there is something more to the way i am feeling and i have the hospital consultants words ringing in my head. What should my next steps be? Do i insist that the dr’s to look in to it a bit more? Or do i just carry on as usual because the Dr is right and it wont be MS? Thank you for reading.
I always hear about different experiences with the NHS and I do feel very lucky to have had such good treatment when I had issues as I was sent straight for an MRI scan when I had loss of feeling in my leg.
I’m very new to all this and so by no means an expert, but if you are concerned, I would really push for a brain MRI scan to check for lesions. It was really key for my diagnosis earlier this year!
In your shoes I would be wondering too. I would want to feel sure that people were looking at things in the context of my history rather than piecemeal.
If you feel there is more going on, push to get more tests! Listen to your body, I know they’re doctors but sometimes they set their mind on what’s wrong and won’t change their opinion! I had a similar experience last year was put off for months , told that they had done enough tests, told it’s just IBS! Until I relapsed in December then told its ms. I really hope you get the help you deserve.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I agree everyone’s experience is different. I had everything done includong a lumber puncture which sadly didnt work. I was in limbo for years and when i didnt have any other symptoms put it down to being a virus after all. But ive never been right since and my GP was amazing but consultants and further GP’s have said it’s not MS.
I have an appointment on Friday for my exhaustion and when i mentioned optic neuritis she pushed for me to have an appointment so hopefully i get some answers.
Thank you again and i wish you well.
Thank you so much for replying. Yes absolutely look at my history and get everything checked, don’t sweep it under the carpet. Hopefully i can get some answers on Friday.
Thank you again.